5 Axis CNC Machine

  • 2021-08-13

5 axis CNC machine is used in modern industry for not only reducing the production cost, but also it saves time and increase the profit and accuracy of the job. Actually, 5 axis CNC is most useful for complex machining. We will explain it later.

The most number of CNC machine is operated under 3 axis movement which is X, Y, and Z. Those movements are mainly up-down, right-left side and front-back movement. Maximum simple machining operation is performed quite completely under these three movements. But for some special type of machining (turbine impeller) or machining, a critical surface needed some more attention. Sometimes we face the problem that With the help of all the three-axis movement that critical side cannot be faced to the spindle or cutter. So we have to need an extra man-hour and an extra machining hour to machine that critical surface. To overcome that problem two extra axes are introduced in 5 axis CNC machine. That two axis is for tilting and rotating the job. Simultaneous movement of all the 5 axis secures the positioning of all the critical surface towards the spindle. Thus the machine becomes 3+2 axis CNC machine.

In such way, the 5 axis machine cuts the labor cost and man-hour. But the programming of such a machine is a critical one and it needs a vast knowledge of CAD/CAM. Also, work holding is a critical issue in 5 axis machining. The work holding should be firm, rigid and there should be clear. Hass UMC 750 is a 5 axis CNC machine. In that machine, the work table provides any angle to the workpiece for machining purpose.

To make the high-quality Plastic mold CNC machine is the most useful machine, 5 axis CNC machine can make plastic mold fast, high precision, contact us if you need plastic mold service.


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